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Smorgasburg Smorgasbord

Thanks to our awesome friend Kah Shanna, we hit the holy grail of Brooklyn's food markets at Smorgasburg -- chicken parmesan slider ($5) at Sunday Gravy, smoked pork burger, mofongo (a savory Puerto Rican dish made with fried green plantains, pounded with pork crackling and bacon bits. This one was shaped into a bowl to hold the salty, creole chicken tomato stew, $10) from Mofon•go, maple bacon in a stick ($3) from The LandhausAlchemy Creamery's dairy-free chocolate chai ice-cream ($6), and some cray hot sauce from Queen Majesty Hot Sauce that our friend, Faz, would happily dunk her gluten-free burritos into. We skipped the The Bruffin (brunch-muffins, great idea), and Ramen Burger, which had a very long line.